Sue Moroney MP and the Labour Party must be over the moon. Her Bill to extend paid parental leave has had more publicity already than they could have dreamed.
It has no show of passing without Government support, as she would know, yet it has been reported widely as if it could proceed over the objections of the Government. Without that spurious possibility it would have had no newsworthiness.
Standing Orders are clear. A money bill (which would commit government money) can be vetoed by the Minister of Finance.
"The House will not pass a bill, amendment or motion that the government certifies it does not concur in because, in its view, the bill, amendment or motion would have more than a minor impact on the government’s fiscal aggregates if it became law"
The Bill is, nevertheless the kind of measure that works politically, even if it is bad for the economy, and bad for the women of child bearing age who become more susceptible to the covert discrimination by which employers protect themselves from unequally shared social costs. The accumulation of such feel-good measures has transformed Western democracies over two generations from world economic powerhouses to parasites on the energy and capital forming sacrifice of poorer people.
Greece is just the most obvious case. It is a poster example of what happens when cynical politicians pander to a nation of greedy, dishonest, whining bludgers. The honest toilers pay the price along with those who've ruined them.
What a pity Labour has not put up a bill to reform something they campaigned on last election, where the embarrrassment of the financial veto would mean more politically. They could, for example, lodge bills to push out the pension age, or to impose capital gains tax. If they got a majority to support those, consider the political impact of forcing the government to exercise the veto to protect John Key from doing what he has already admitted to be the right thing for the economy.
But extending super qualifying age wouldn't be a 'money' bill in the sense you have used. What veto would be exercised against legislation that would reduce government spending?