Honest lawyers would not forge documents to damage an enemy. And if their medications made them susceptible to such temptations they would be so mortified on realising what they's done that they would not try to evade detection. They would confess and seek better treatment and not work while they were exposing their clients to such terrible judgment.
So lets hope the Law Society now promplty and publicly takes a position to ensure that Ms Killeen is never again in a position to discredit the profession as she has today. There are plenty of satisfying jobs for people with legal training and experience that need not leave them in the profession. We do not need more reminders of the inequalities that benefit middle class, white female defendants caught in disgraceful conduct.
I note that the Crown did not oppose the discharge without conviction. Presumably they accept the medication excuse. That might protect the judge from appearing hopelessly credulous, though I doubt that the publice will appreciate the significance of the Crown position.
We must support such judging from time to time as the price of judicial independence. But it makes it very hard for lay-people to respect the institution.
Next time I am in court and I don’t like the look of the evidence I will have to remember to ask the judge for the prosecutors medical history. After all they may (apparently) be suffering from a condition that causes them to forge evidence against me. Surely I have a right to know?