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Constitutional hui

  • August 23rd, 2010

Colin James in the DomPost today reminds us that the government agreed with the Maori Party to conduct a constitutional review. Colin says that the terms of reference will be released shortly.

But the article looks as if might have been chopped short by a sub-editor. I took particular note because of the cryptic reference to  ACT in the following: 

"The Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) and Centre for Public Law are running a conference next week, 10 years after an IPS conference in 2000 which ACT tried to wreck. The IPS is also leading a state sector project on Treaty issues after historical grievances are settled."

I'm curious because I think he is referring to the hui mentioned in my post several months ago. I might have been the only member of the ACT caucus at that hui. I didn't realise I'd left anything like that impression. The conclusion leaves much to follow up.

The article properly identifies Rodney Hide's current contributions to constitutional evolution, in local government, on regulatory restraint, and on the racism in the DRIP (Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples).  I've no doubt he will be influential standing up both for property rights and against race privilege as the Marine and Coastal Area Bill is released.



I trust any constitution includes fiduciary standards of those in positions of leadership. On this link follow the young people of Tauranga/Matakana Island fighting the ruthless corruption of their leaders- millions in bribes have been paid, the original Waitangi manager was murdered, 10,000 acres of coastal sacred land sold pouring millions into the pockets of corrupt accountant and Iwi leadership-Tama tu, tama ora- tama noho, tama mate kai.

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  • peterquixote
  • September 8th, 2010
  • 6:32 pm

I noticed that Tim Selwyn over at Tumeke was concerned that the Constituional review would't help anybody. Much less our hopeless third world currency, and utterly vulnerable political position.
 Maybe they want to consider an upper house NZ  Senate no wogs allowed. 

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