Before the French Presidential election friends who know France better than me were reassuring themselves that Hollande in office would not be stupid enough to wreck his country with the policies on which he was campaigning They pointed to his enarque background and the French establishment 's typical flexibility in power.
I've often heard such wishful self-comfort from friends looking at the likelihood of the next Green/Labour government here. Frequently it is after finding prominent Labour or Green MPs to be intelligent in person. I thought about this after a friend said how surprised he was by Metiria Turei's openness and perceptiveness.
We all tend to think we have less in common with opponents than is the case. After meeting vile criminals people exclaim how normal they seem. Some then go on to imagine that they can 'cure' them with a little human care and respect. More than a few idealistic prison visitors have suffered grievously for that naivete when their 'projects' were released and sought them out.
In France we shall now see whether socialist stupidity is cured in power.
Socialist Labour Minister Michel Sapin announced plans on Thursday to "make layoffs so expensive for companies that it's not worth it." after the official unemployment rate passed 10% to hit the highest level this century..
"It's not a question of sanctions, but workers have to have compensation at the right level," he said.
Industry Minister Arnaud Montebourg is also planning legislation to force companies to sell plants they want to get rid of at market prices to avoid closures and job losses.
There is no doubt about the consequences of such typical left insanity:
- Urgent downsizing before the law passes.
- Start-ups outside France wherever employers have the choice.
- A permanent reduction in job creation because employers hire less when it costs more to reverse course.
- Special harm to the young, old and people with poor records – why risk problems who will be harder and more expensive to get rid of.
- More disruptive and unexpected collapses as artificial closure costs plunge companies from solvency to insolvency when down sizing becomes unavoidable.
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