I'm at a NZ Law Society conference on corporate governance, entrepreneurship and director liability. It is the best attended seminar I've seen in ages. It is on issues on which the public debate hs been assisted by almost no disciplined analysis.
NBR asked to attend. The conference organisers asked each presenter for a view. Of course I thought they should be there. I was surprised when NBR was told no. It was pleasing to hear Sean Hugues of the FMA robustly disclaim any request by them to keep this arcane knowledge to the lawyers alone.
The conference is an exhibition. NZ lawyers are our priestly class. They want to remake business people in their own image. It is all about process and diligence. Why look at purposes and the usual practice of honest and successful business people if it does not fit your elegant theology.
Stephen says
"The conference is an exhibition. NZ lawyers are our priestly class. They want to remake business people in their own image. It is all about process and diligence. Why look at purposes and the usual practice of honest and successful business people if it does not fit your elegant theology. "
I come tomorrow and vomit in this sickening conference die you fucking law society plague on society die soon or we will attack and kill you all.