» Archive for 'Race relations'
Who’s calling the shots on co-governance? Lawyers or MPs? Will the Court of Appeal order disclosure?
(January 29th, 2023)
NZ’s right to bear arms? Firearms as a Treaty taonga.
(April 4th, 2019)
Auckland freedom of speech court case will get world attention
(July 22nd, 2018)
China can count on NZ elite’s fear of ‘racist’ slur
(September 14th, 2017)
Genetic challenges for genuine liberalism
(July 6th, 2016)
IQ changes – Is the Kardashian effect overwelming the Flynn Effect?
(August 30th, 2014)
Auckland sensitivity on ethnicity
(May 4th, 2014)
The loss of Shane Jones is real for all of us
(April 24th, 2014)
Q & A today – gobbledygook demonstrated
(March 24th, 2013)
Sympathy for the CJ ( as the Supremes take on property rights, race politics and the constitution)
(February 18th, 2013)