Last night in Wellington Central thousands of volunteers’ dollars were trashed, as party and candidate signage was defaced or destroyed. On many sites the timber was smashed. Nearly all parties suffered.
Hoardings hate crime
- October 5th, 2008
- Filed under Politics, Wellington Central

- Kurt Sharpe
- October 5th, 2008
- 5:51 pm
Franks, while lamenting his precious hoardings, fallaciously argues that the green party hoardings remaining in tact has some correlation with the other political parties hoardings being destroyed and defiled.
I tend to believe there could be some independent factors that haven’t been considered. Instead Franks tends to blame those he believes will not fight back- ‘whining christians, grumpy gays and vandalising greenies’.

- Allison
- October 5th, 2008
- 10:07 pm
And so Kurt, these independent factors would be what exactly? I’d love to hear you articulate them as opposed to your ‘partisan hack rhetoric’.

- October 6th, 2008
- 7:12 am
Much as I would like to deface some of the signs around to express my disgust at the sitting member for my district, if not their party, I have refrained to date but was interested to see at our local ‘stand’, used by most of the parties, that all of the signs had been attacked. Not sure which is worse the eyesaw of signs or the wreckage.
How many days to their removal?

- Kurt Sharpe
- October 6th, 2008
- 11:45 am
Few points for you to consider Allison,
There are less Green Party hoardings around than other parties.
The Green Party hoardings are not as much of an eyesore as the other parties. They use natural colours and beautiful photo shots.
The Green Party has placed their hoardings more strategically; harder to reach and less likely to be vandalised. Done for the very fact they they want to avoid wasteful resources replacing them.
I also take exception to your accusation. I can hardly be accuse of using partisan rhetoric when even the most basic research on me will show I do not support the Green party.
Just stuff to think about Allison.

- Eric Crampton
- October 6th, 2008
- 4:35 pm
I worked a Canadian election campaign in Winnipeg South in 1997. After one such night of sign vandalism, we found a ton of our signs in the dumpster behind the incumbent’s riding office (wish I still had the pictures). We got more than little press mileage out of that. Probably worth more than what it cost us to replace the signs. Great fun.
I noticed today that your image has been blackened out and defaced in every sign in Kelburn. Apparently you have devil’s horns and EATS BABIES! The National sign at the top of Aro Valley has been violently smashed to bits. You are correct that the Greens signage has escaped unscathed pointing to the likely bias of the offender(s).These vandals believe that the end justifies the means. That the only free speech allowed is their message. Their actions are intolerant and undemocratic.
Every attack on your signs Stephen shows how much they fear you. They are scared by the knowledge that you are day by day eating into the collapsing Labour majority in Wellington Central. Your plethora of signs are perhaps worth a vote or two but your defaced signs,I’m sure, engender additional sympathy votes and outrage votes. You deserve to be the MP for Wellington Central and will be.