At last – TV 3 is going behind the symptoms and getting to the causes of Canterbury's woes.
Did Mayor Parker engineer the earthquakes?
What a mercy that we're yet spared any Green theory that somehow links our earthquakes to carbon emissions or some other human wickedness of prosperity, and so far no kaumatua telling us its all a message from an upset taniwha.
Shortly I join the thousands of grey nomads who are flocking back to Brisbane and paying
the price to Air NZ to go back to Christchurch.
It is not only our houses, our fundamental wealth, but more our friends and relatives who are truly frightened in many cases.
I can think of no better culprits than Parker and Ngai Tahu for all this .
The I-predict site says that Parker [ now at 50% chance from 15% ] will win Mayoralty, ban all cars from the centre of Christchurch and build stainless steel towers with no light from any dierection for the poor people within the avenues. There will be Henderson facades underneath.
Rik Tindall who was an Ecan Councillor representing ‘Save our Water’ to the East of Christchurch has another view.
In the e-democracy column here
Rik tells via link from Wiki that the Maori God Ruamokopoki is really Commander in Chief and is angry
peter quixote