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Multiple use bus lanes

  • February 11th, 2009

So we are to have a 6 month trial of taxis being allowed to use those underused swathes of green road.

Congratulations to the Council for common sense.

Now to allow bicycling as of right on our underused foot paths (but with strict liability on cyclists for collisions with pedestrians). In other words cyclists should acknowledge primary rights to pedestrians.

I do not know what rules govern those lethally quiet mobility scooters, but I hope they are strictly liable for their collisions too.



And let’s get some really draconian rules for those Segway things. Unnatural if you ask me.

  • ben
  • February 12th, 2009
  • 7:13 pm

Sounds sensible, although a bit ironic: I believe taxis are the most environmentally unfriendly of all transport because of their very low average load factors (you don’t count the driver).

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