An election campaign is all consuming. The objectives, the competition and the gamble energise like nothing else.
Thanking people
- November 10th, 2008
- Filed under Politics, Wellington Central

- Peter Salmon
- November 10th, 2008
- 11:46 am
my wife and I are very sorry that you did not get in
best wishes

- JamJars
- November 10th, 2008
- 4:13 pm
Hey Stephen,
Stoked you didn’t get in. Hard luck boyo!

- Madeleine
- November 10th, 2008
- 4:46 pm
Stephen it is simply wrong that our new parliament will not have you as a member.
You ran an honest campaign against some of the toughest, most organised and unscrupulous tactics of this election.
You are talented as both a lawyer and a politician and I know you will have every success in whatever you do going forward. Do not throw in the towel on another stab at politics as New Zealand needs you. If you can stomach it, though I have no idea how you can stand it, keep trying!

- Bob Green
- November 12th, 2008
- 10:33 am
The voters of Wellington Central have spoken and we must respect the view of the majority …

- Allison
- November 14th, 2008
- 10:37 pm
I love it that even at the end, the left tries to destabilize a post of genuine thanks to many selfless volunteers for their own petty point scoring game.
To all those who volunteered, you gave an amazing effort.
Stephen, all the best for whatever future endeavors arise.

- JamJars
- November 15th, 2008
- 6:08 pm
“Biggest Loser Award: Stephen Franks …(left ACT to join National in order to re-enter Parliament and lost; but would have been back on the ACT list)”
Dear Stephen,
I congratulate you on a spirited campaign, despite of the negative result.
How can you explain that voters in Wellington Central, with one of NZ’s highest levels of education and income, keep electing a Labour MP?
Do all Victoria University professors and academics live in this single electorate? The mind boggles.