Five years ago a gallery journalist put his professional duty above friendship to report that I (then an MP) was one of a group who upset an avalanche risk manager at a skifield. We handed the manager a written waiver of responsibility and liability when we decided to ski out to our cars ahead of bad weather despite a risk on one section of the route out.
My admiration for his professional dedication was rueful. Now I can demonstrate an equalising regard for my profession's respect for the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, albeit adopting journalism's comfort with hearsay plus a little mercy on the details.
This doyen of journalism has upheld its finest traditions by getting himself banned from his Club. It will not allow him to darken its doors for three months. As he was restrained on the details of my discussion with the South Island ski club official, I'll leave him to explain the circumstances of his temporary blacklisting by the Cosmopolitan Club of Raetihi.
Ha ha ha ha…